Above, the animals we took note of (and, in the case of the cow, partook
of). The nest and egg belong to mourning doves.
These are almonds, still fuzzy and green. You can eat them as they are; they're crunchy and good with salt. |
Wild asparagus! |
Fields of wheat grow on the strip. |
Many people grow these beans in their fields. They're really tasty fresh from the vine. |
We found Gaza full of flowers.
Prickly pear cacti mark the landscape, bordering roads and properties,
acting as living fences. We noted graffiti (Latin and Arabic script) on
a pad; the Arabic spells Mohammad.
Farmers in Gaza are being prevented from exporting their produce. So
tomatoes, strawberries, and carnations meant for export to Israel and beyond
go to waste. With the closures, farmers cannot even get their produce to
Gaza City, only a few kilometers away. And so it rots on the vine, or is
tossed on the road.
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