Subject: need shoulder to cry on!
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 08:23:13 -0800 (PST)

Hi, I don’t know what to say, but first of all I was very happy when I saw your name in my mailbox, but as soon as my happiness gone when I heard these bad news:  It was Wednesday 3:00 o’clock morning when big force of trucks full with army entered my village(Saida), then they evacuated all houses and ordered persons who are 15 years and up even old people to come out with hands in the air and let women and kids in the house, after that they joined them inculding my father and my old brothers in the school and they left them there from 6:00 o’clock morning to 3:00 o’clock morning of the next day they spend 21 hours under the rain and cold without any food or water, and they killed my cousin, he is from my age 19 years old, we learned the whole schoollife together, cause if this my mom had stress and she is now in the hospital to born my brother, and my younger brother who’s 10 years old with my 3 young sisters (13, 8,3) years old alone in the house they were crying when I
called with, I told them to calm down and go to bed and not to look out of the window what ever happens, after aday they bombed and destroyed three houses close to ours after they evacuated my house and let my brother and my sisters to go alone walking on the street and they went to my uncle’s house, and searching in each house and don’t forget shootings and throwing grenades before they going in, they were completely crazy and insane i don’t know what kind of human they are, no mercy nothing just black hearts. Well, this is what really happened now I’m in Zababdeh I can’t go to my village, and I don’t know what happened to my mom and my father with my old brothers, I’m living my worse days of my life I’m very sad I couldn’t have a sleep for two days I can’t find words to express how much sadness I have, I don’t know sometimes I thing I’ll be next so when you miss my messages say god bless him, please pray for my family and my village and for me as well. I have to go to dry my tears my hands are shaking I can not continuo typing.

[name withheld]